Friday, January 25, 2013

Notes for reel fixes

Hey guys, here's my notes from today on what they wanted fixed on the reel:

-More pans and cross dissolves in boards
-Storyboards at beginning are going by too fast
-Longer holds on some shots (like right before she jumps off the roof)
-Show color keys
-Exaggerate color change with the stair scene (before/after move scene)
-Blood disappears at end? Why?

I'm going to work on changing the color on my downshot from the stairs and I'll get it to you guys soon.



  1. Thanks Leann! Do you think also on that down shot you can have a couple more versions with the rest of the stuff gone too so it looks like he is really moving everything out? They really seemed to want something like that into our reel too. And good job on the notes, Steven and I are going to fix the reel on Wednesday night!

  2. K. I'll get you my changes by Wednesday!
