Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rough-ins for 11 and 13

Here's the roughs for 11 and 13.  Take a look and let me know if you guys think I should change anything before I go to tie down.

ALSO:  I was going to start the drawing for 23 too, but I need to know which room they are in.  Is it the dining room or living room?


1 comment:

  1. Hey leann, i believe they are in the living room. from the looks of it from the other boards.

    nice, looking good so far.
    just a rule of thumb to keep in watch as u start cleaning them up. Tangents. theres a few here and there. ie the lamp is tangent with the rail on image 1. Also make sure u construct through the picture. make it solid.
    other than that keep at it!!
